In 2001 'Let The Good Times Roll ...' was just a vague concept, a possibility that needed some discussion and thought.  The following year we took the plunge and the Event had its inauguration.   And here we were in October 2014 twelve years later still going strong!  Every year Fred, Eddie and I wonder if the dancers will still join us, after all we know how busy people are, or they get interested in other things and also body parts begin to act up!!   So it was immensely gratifying to have a 'sold-out' house for 'Let The Good Times Roll ....' this October.

The event technically starts at 12 noon but Fred had the music rolling at 11:30 and everyone was eager to dance so the floor was full from that time on.   Up first, full-time local instructor Karen Fisher did a great job of getting us all warmed up, and then the serious stuff (!) with Double Trouble aka Cathy Montgomery and Kathy K.  Fresh off their tour de force of Scotland(!) they still had energy to keep us laughing, great job by the two of them. Then Michele gave us the challenge of the day with 'The Other Side' aka Wow Hawaii, but everyone was up for it and Michele Carver did an excellent teach. Thanks also to lively Cynthia Skublak who brought us our 'Blast From the Past', Max Perry's 'Jose Cuervo', much enjoyed by the dancers. 

A few new dances were premiered at the event including 'Love Contract!' written by Double Trouble, Fred and myself,  it was an honour for Fred and me to write a dance with such talented choreographers as the two C(K)athies and the dancers seemed to enjoy it.   Cathy emailed me from Scotland to suggest that we have a competition to see who could guess which one of us wrote which 8 count section.   Dancers had the opportunity to guess when we demoed the dance but had to hand in their guesses before it was taught.  Amazingly only one person guessed correctly!  So you will look at dancer Pat Wintermyer, the winner, with different eyes next time you see her!!    Fred and I wrote a beginner dance for our friends at the event which we called 'Friends of Ours'.  The song is by Canadian Country artist Jason Blaine and the video is really fun, you will see some very well known Canadian country artists in.   I also released a new waltz  'Take My Hand'.  

Thanks to Dale McNeil for the impressive selection of baskets raising $340 for the Alzheimers' Association of Toronto and Eddie organized the 50/50 which raised $140 for the Line Dance Foundation (thanks to Valarie Keller for donating a pass to Dancin' For Miracles for one of prizes and Diane Blair for a bottle of champagne!)   This is a new charity for us.  It was started by the founder of Linedancer magazine, Betty Drummond,  and helps people who make their living through Line Dance who have fallen on hard times.  You can find out all about it if you click here.  

As usual we had our sit-down meal cooked and served by the Legion Ladies Auxillary.  Everyone received a survey to find out whether they would like to continue with this tradition.  Overwhelmingly the answer was "Yes"!   So I will consult with the Ladies to find a less labour intensive meal option (they are having trouble getting volunteers to work on the meal) and also try to keep the cost as low as I can.  I'll let you know how it goes.    PS  Thank you so much for the very nice added comments on the survey, here are a few .... "I'll attend no matter what!", "Just do what you can and keep the workshop going", "Very good job", "Excellent job", "You all do a great day.  Love it - don't want it to end."  "Just keep it going!".   But don't worry as long as you dancers are willing to come and join us 'Let The Good Times Roll ....' will continue. 

The day wasn't finished though, it was time to "just" dance!!  I had put up a dance play list on Fred and my websites before but there was plenty of room for requests and classics as well.  During the evening we also had instructors do a one wall of the dances they taught and it was amazing how quickly everyone remembered the steps!!  It is an advantage of a one room event, we all learn the same dances together and can enjoy them again in the evening.  Fred did a great job as DJ and tried to make sure everyone got something to dance to.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye.   Thanks so much to everyone who came, as I've said before, we couldn't do it without you.   Thanks also to our helpers; Sammy and Krysten did an excellent job at the front desk and helping out in a myriad of ways during the day, Dale, Caroline, Mel, Barb, Brenda, Amina, Donna and everyone else who pitched in to help us set up and then take down at the end of the day.   To Cynthia who is tireless and also to Rita who was the official videographer for the day!  We value our friends.

Until this time next year..... but also don't forget to join us at The Spring Workshop, April 25.

Note:  I should add here that our idea of the event when we first started was that it be a low key event at which everyone could relax, enjoy and just have fun..   So you can imagine how delighted I was when a "newbie", just learning to line dance and who had travelled quite a distance to join us, was so excited and enthused by the event that she told me she was determined to gather her friends together and start a small class in her home town so she could bring some dancers with her next year!  


KAREN FISHER:                                                                              DOUBLE TROUBLE:
Don’t Worry Be Happy by Adrian Helliker                                      River Bank by Kathy Brown
Huggable by Frank Trace                                                                  Down to the Islands by Jennifer Hughes

MICHELE CARVER:                                                                        VIVIENNE, FRED & DT
The Other Side (Wow Hawaii)                                                          Love Contract!   Click here for SS/Video

FRED & VIVIENNE                                                                          VIVIENNE
Friends of Ours  Click here for SS/Video                                          Take My Hand   Click here for SS/Video
                                                                                                            Rumble!   Click here for SS/Video


October 2014